Monday, August 29, 2011

shit long post

had quite an interesting day yesterday. okay so i started off the day by waking up at 1.15 p.m but it's excusable cause i reached home at around 3 a.m after attending my cousin's birthday party on saturday night. so anyways, after having my bath, my family and i straight went for lunch and i literally stuffed myself like a pig. after that, we did grocery shopping. yeahh my whole family had to follow, i don't know why. then came evening and after god knows how long, i finally went to church and attended mass. it felt really good to be there again. like i'm finally reconnected to God after quite some time but after mass was when the real fun began. Rebeqah, Jeremy and I went swimming at Rafael's place. it was kinda weird cause we were using the pool without the owner actually being there cause he had to go out for dinner with his family but we swam anyway and it was soo fun! the water was so cool and dark and jumping right in it was just awesome. what made it even better was that we were the only ones there so we had the pool all to ourselves :)

while swimming i realized how unhealthy and low my stamina was. yup, i was just, horrible! and to make it worse beqah and jeremy were just, swimming real fast and racing with each other. i was just like " pfft,whatever. show offs" hahaha. ooh and while we were swimming we were wrestling in the water and typical jeremy had to play his so called 'spit game' which is actually disgusting and beqah just had to team up with him so i was all alone. Basically what they did was spit at my face. uh huh, they accumulate the pool water in their mouth, come really close to you and spit right to your face! it was definitely something -.-' after about an hour and a half of swimming, we went for bah kut teh at Klang town which did you know is the best place to eat bah kut teh? so yeahh we were joined by Shivonne, Darren, Anne and Kaitlyn. oh and Alex too and after eating Shivonne told us that it was Leo's birthday the next day so she suggested that we buy a small cake and give him a surprise visit and so we did. well, we didn't actually get a cake because it was too late to get one at that time so we ended up buying a mini muffin and a lollipop as a candle from seven eleven. hey, none of us had that much of money and it was the only thing we could find at that hour so yeah, lol. oh and did i mention that it was raining? like real heavily. as if that wasn't bad, we couldn't park the cars in the apartment because we're not a resident so we had to walk, no wait, run from the shop-lots in front all the way to the apartment in the heavy rain and trust me, it was quite a long run. it was really fun though and by the time we actually got to the apartment, Leo saw us, soaking wet, from head to toe, shivering so there went our surprise. hahaha but i think he was surprised that we were actually there at that time.

so after changing to some dry clothes which his mom oh-so-sweetly determined to borrow us, we just sat and chit-chatted while and Jeremy and Rafael played the guitar. everything was okay until realization hit me and Beqah that it was way past our curfew. yeah, we informed our parents that we were gonna be a lil late because of the rain but the thing was, we weren't actually a lil late but we were VERY late. i reached home at exactly 2.33 in the morning and i knew i was in deep shit but come on, it's the holidays right? WRONG! all my mum said was "this is the first and last. no more."okay so to be honest, i expected a lot more lecturing and scolding from them but hey, i'm not complaining. i mean, i know my mistake and i'm not saying what i did was right and i also know that this was not the first time so yeahh here i am now not daring to plan anything for this holidays as i think i'm grounded and i'm okay with it i guess. i need some amount of punishment right?

whoa, i just realized how log this post is. i think even i am gonna skip reading a few sentences if i ever stumble upon this again! lol

watching you's the only drug i need...

Friday, August 26, 2011

the higher your hopes, the further you have to fall

hope: To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment.

i seem to be lacking that. but then again, what's the point right? i look at things this way: the higher your hopes, the further you have to fall so to be on the safe side, just don't hope at all. i sometimes have people telling me to keep my hopes up high and to always look at the bright side of things but what they don't realize is when you're talking to someone who is probably one of the most negative minded person you can find, this is exactly how she is gonna be feeling and thinking. negatively. my dad says it's bad but this is my way of being on the safe side which actually makes sense. i mean, look at this way, just say you want something real bad and you get your hopes up really high only to find out that you didn't get what you wanted. you'll probably be devastated but in the same situation, if you didn't get your hopes up high and it didn't work out anyway, you just totally saw it coming right? and if it actually does work out and things happen you'll feel twice as happy. okay, am i making any sense?  i guess what i'm trying to say is i'd rather not hope for anything. and also that i'm a very negative-minded person so just deal with it :) huh, should have just gotten straight to the point :/

watching you's the only drug i need...

Friday, August 19, 2011

let the fun begin

i'm here at my cousin's place at seremban. parents went out with my aunt and uncle so they left us here with my cousins till sunday. imagine, young, mischievous, fun-seeking teenagers left all alone at home to do whatever they want. uh-huh things are gonna be interesting here. :) yeah, they did leave us with a whole bunch of advice, warnings and rules that we're suppose to follow but hey, rules are meant to be broken right? the only sucky part about me being here though is that i can't go for the world youth day celebration at St. Anne's Church this sunday :( me wanted to go!! oh well, you can't always get the best of both worlds :/ 

that smile of yours.... never fails to me wanna laugh my ass off! rofl, man i miss you :)

watching you's the only drug i need...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

i am important :D

yeah, i like feeling important. then again, who doesn't right? but i guess in this case i really am not the important person. dayumn.

in life there are some things that you're gonna have to learn to accept. 

watching you's the only drug i need...

i want my licence already!

okay so the general knowledge quiz on sunday wasn't that great mainly because, well, we sucked. yeah we lost. :/ but then again looking back on that day, i did learn SO many new things and it was a good experience. it was definitely an eye opener as to what "smart" actually is. the participants there were really something. the only thing that was running on my mind while they were competing was "how in the world do they know this?!" lol, yeah they're knowledge on general stuff was pretty high!

guess what happened yesterday? me and my cousin were on our way home from my uncle's place at around 11.45pm. we were just talking when suddenly this white Gentu car just sped in front of us at a T-junction. luckily my cousin hit her brakes to avoid hitting the car but the driver of that car also stupidly hit her brakes for i don't know what reason so yeah, my cousin ended up banging her car anyway but it was so totally not our fault. there weren't any severe damage but the front hood of my cousin's car does look bad. Thankfully no one got hurt and the other driver wasn't pissed cause, well, it is her fault! the experience was definitely something though. i mean everything literally happened in a blink of an eye. ok so maybe driving is not as easy as how i thought it would be :/ but still, just think of all the places i can go without counting on people to send me and also fetch me back once i get my licence! ahhh the bliss. 

me don't wanna go for tuition. not only am i not done with my homework, i'm just sooooo lazy! maybe i'll go for physics later but then again, maybe not. i dunno, it's a public holiday! why in the world do we still have tuitions on public holidays? 

watching you's the only drug i need...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

i'm telling myself i told you so

hello :) i finally have the mood to come here and talk about stuff.

okay first thing first, i cut my hair. uh-huh, my long precious hair that i cared about so much is now short. as in above my neck short. i teared as i walked out of the salon and by the time i reached the care i was already bursting into tears. i just thought it was too short at first but now  i'm not regretting though. i think. i mean it's so much easier now plus my hair actually looks thicker but then it kinda hurts when you have people telling you that you look so much better before. so what? i'm ugly now? but what the heck, you're suppose to find people who love you just the way you are right? :)

taking part in this general knowledge quiz by Rotary Club of Sunway which is tomorrow. i was all hyped up at first but i'n starting to realize now that it might not be as easy as i'm hoping it will be. i feel like there's still so much more that i don't know and i'm also feeling a little backtracked as my group members, laura and deirdre went to starbucks today to 'study.' if that's what you want to call it. was supposed to go but i just had to fall sick. i felt so weak that i just couldn't get off my bed and i have this really bad body ache :/ hopefully i'll feel better tomorrow. i'm keeping my fingers crossed too so that we might have a chance to at least make it through the second round.

i don't know why i waste so much time thinking and hoping for unnecessary things. i hate the feeling of how you get so used to someone and they become a small part of your life then just suddenly they just stop talking to you cause apparently they have a life other than you. so what? you just talk to me whenever you happen to stumble upon my name somewhere? wow, i feel so special. -.-' i so saw this coming.

watching you's the only drug i need...