Monday, January 31, 2011

can i just not look back?

i just realised laura also posted her essay. damn you laura! how do you even write these kinda stories? especially your first one. i totally omg loved it. honest. :D

anyways, i hate being sick. i feel horrible! my body aches like hell, my head feels heavy and i all i seem to be wanting to do is sleep. this was so not how i planned my holidays to be. all i have is a week and i so do not want to be wasting it by sleeping! why would i why everyone's gonna be out enjoying. plus, i have tons of homework. haihh i planned on finishing it by wednesday but i don't think it's gonna be possible now and i have the shtupid formulas to memorise summore. such a pain lah all these things.

it would be nice to just walk away from everything bugging you and just start a whole new chapter. huh, easier said than done 

watching you's the only drug i need...

as cheesy as this sounds, i hope we stay friends forever :)

heyya. ok so i finished my essay and passed it up. hopefully it's ok. it's not that great but i'm somehow proud of it cause i don't think i have ever written an essay this long. no wait, I've never so yea this is the first. 

What being a friend means to me

                A friend. It is one of the most wonderful gifts someone could give or receive. Generally, a friend is a person whom one knows, trusts and loves spending time with.  I’m sure all of us have a friend or to be more specific, friends. We all have a group of people we hang around with at school and eventually start going out for movies, sleepovers and birthday parties together. In life we are going to meet many people but only a friend stays with you till the very end.  There are some of us who actually have misconceptions on what a friend means. We tend think that people whom we meet and smile at everyday is our friend but these people are merely just an acquaintance. An acquaintance is someone who you greet and sometimes spend time with but if given a choice you would rather be doing something else. Like a new classmate or someone on the street that you’re used to seeing every day.  Many of us find it easy to make friends but to be honest, I find it to be one of the hardest things to do. It’s like I have a phobia of making friends because whenever I go somewhere and meet new people, I find it extremely hard to mingle with them and start accepting them as my friend. No, I’m not anti-social or whatever, I just find the meaning of a friend a little different from others.

            To me, a friend is someone who makes me smile for no reason, someone I can be myself around without caring the least on how I look or how stupid I am around them. Someone who accepts me for who I am and not trying to change me to something I’m not. Those are the people I want to spend my time with because what’s the point of hanging around with people who in the end of the day are going to talk behind your back or try changing you to be just like them. Sad to say that there are some people who go to desperate measures trying to change themselves in every way possible just to feel accepted by their so called group of friends but what they don’t realize is that you don’t have to change yourself to be accepted, all you have to do is find someone who will accept you just the way you are.

            A friend is also someone whom I can count on. Someone who says that they will always be there no matter what and actually means it because in life you’re going to come across many people who are going to acknowledge you as their friend and promise to do many things but there are only going to be a few who will actually do it whole heartedly without regretting what they said and start whining about it. Most importantly, a friend is someone who is willing to sit back and listen to every single word you say and doesn’t judge you but corrects you and stands by you no matter what or whom they’re going to have to go against because your happiness means a lot to them.      
Besides all the being there when you need them and accepting you for who you are, being a friend can also mean fun. I mean come on, who else would you rather spend your time talking on the phone for hours about anything and everything not caring at all on how high your phone bill is going to go and who else can you spend the whole day with doing nothing but still think it was fun. We all got to agree that the little devil in us usually comes out when we’re with our friends. We do things which will probably be treasured with us our whole lives. Shopping, snapping picture after picture together, going out for parties, teasing each other with crushes we all have, getting into trouble for talking during assembly or breaking school rules and most of all doing some of the stupidest things which you will later sit and laugh about. Yup, most the happiest moments in our life are spent with our friends.

            Another very important thing about being a friend is forgiving. A true friend never stays mad at you for too long. This is either because they can’t live without talking to you or that they try to understand your mistake and even if they don’t they still defend you and will be there no matter what. They don’t just listen to rumors about you and do nothing to stop it, they fight for you. Why? It’s simply because they trust you and know that you’re always going to be honest with them. So in a vice versa situation, a friend is someone whom you can trust. Someone whom you can cry to without shame and tell all your deepest and darkest secrets knowing that the person is not going to utter a single word about it to anyone.

            A friend knows you inside out and whenever you’re too quiet or feeling down in the dumps they know something is wrong and will do anything to cheer you up. Just a smile from you would brighten up their whole day because they know that they did something, anything to make you feel better. A friend is someone who is willing to give their last piece of bread to you even though their hungry. Someone who does you huge favors but never really expects anything in return.  A friend is someone who could spend the whole night sleepless worrying about why you’re not talking to her or why you’re mad and thinks of ways to try making it up to you.  

            So you see, a friend can mean many things and different people may have different points of view but to me, these are what a friend means to me. How do I know all this? Simple. I have a friend and I am also a friend right back. My friend has given me all the things I need in a friend and in return, I give it right back. I am as grateful as ever for knowing a friend like her and for all the things that she has done for me. Our friendship is a memoir that I will want to cherish for the rest of my life. Who knows, maybe someday, when we’re really old and probably have nothing else to do other then sit on our rocking chairs, we’ll be talking about all the good times we had and still will have knowing that our friendship will never end. 

oh and thank you so so so so much laura and beqah for printing it out for me at the very last minute. laura, i have your copy with me and i shall keep it forever. umm that is if i never loose it which i don't think i will. i hope. heh -.-' love ya loads <3

watching you's the only drug i need...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

i crave for sleep and i think i'll do anything to get it :\

proudly skipped school today. why? because they're having ceramah the whole day which i'm sure no one really wants to listen to and besides, i have better things to do and this time i mean it. i have a 1000 words essay to write which is due tomorrow and i haven't even started. well actually i have but i think i' having a writer's block as i have absolutely nothing in my brain right now. haihh. oh and there's also the reason being that i really didn't want to wake up early. all i ever seem to be craving for these days is sleep and looks like not even 5 merit points for full attendance for the whole month can stop me. weird how i use to care so much about my attendace in school and wanting to get the 100% attendance certificate a few years back nut now, nothing. i'd take any chance i have to not go to school. i have grown :) ok ok i should stop wasting time and go continue on my essay writing. ttfn :D

watching you's the only drug i need...

Friday, January 21, 2011

privacy sounds real nice right now

drama rama man. life is filled with it. i hate it when i have to pick on who's side i need to be on when all i want is for them to just get back together so that everything can go back to normal but i don't think it's possible when us humans are just so freakin stubborn sometimes. why can't i just be on both your sides or better yet just not be in this kinda things at all!

i feel so damn emo right now, i dont know why. like all i wanna do is just sit at a corner and just listen to music. yea, that would be nice. calming. it's just so hard to get some alone time these days.

sometimes, i love to be alone. i never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude...

watching you's the only drug i need...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

complaint number 001

i think this place is becoming my complaint department or something. i mean the only reason i find myself coming here is when i have something to complaint or about my stupid so not fun life. i don't get it actually, life is not that horrible. mine is filled with school, tuition and then home. that's like normal right? but i seriously don't know why i feel so depressed about it. i think i need a counselor.

so i really really really wanted to watch paranormal activity 2. did i watch the first one? nop but what the hell. i was so close to going but i think i kinda jinxed myself and so here i am now as angry and disappointed as ever that i'm not there watching the movie. it's just so not fair. i was the one who wanted to watch the novie the most but i'm the one who ended up not going. uggh, i bloody hell asked for it so i shouldn't be complaining. ok i can't help it. i need to complain! it's just sooo effing stupid that when i ask for permission you don't say yes but you also don't say no which makes me think that it's a no cuz well, i didn't get a yes. and i had to be the really nice caring one and start thinking maybe you've been real busy lately and you need today to rest. and then when there's like ten more minutes before the movie you ask me why i'm not ready to go. wth?! and when i say "you didn't even say yes'" you will say "but i didn't say no right and it's not like i have a choice." and so now you make me feel like it's all my fault that i didn't get to go. everytime. this happens every single fcuking time.  AARGGGHHH!!!

whateva lah, i have homework to do anyway and i have tuition later so it is kinda disturbing if you had to fetch me from the movie and then send me to tuition then fetch me back from there. haihh damn me for caring about  this kind of things too much. ok i think i should go do my bio work for tuition. this is so not beneficial anyway.

the tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon but that we wait so long to actually begin it...

watching you's the only drug i need...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

i'm not fit. therefore, i don't run

we have merentas desa tomorrow which i'm actually very lazy to go for but Dhivya called and asked to come soo i guess i'm going no thanks to her. the things i do for my friends sometimes. i still have my sunita formulas which i have yet to memorise for tomorrow but here i am now doing this.

i'm sick of it being me trying to do something to make both myself and you feel better so i'm just not gonna bother anymore. i have people telling me it's not easy and blahblahblah. i know but, aarrgh you know what, i give up! 

i need a sign. anyone? god?

watching you's the only drug i need

Sunday, January 16, 2011

confession time

ok so i just saw that i got tagged by laura to do this so here i am, doing it. 

3 things i hate about myself:
pfft, only three? where do i start?

1. i hate that i'm so temperamental. i mean if even i hate it, imagine the people i'm with. i must really annoy them.

2. i hate it that i'm not as attractive as my other friends. i feel so insecure when i'm with them sometimes. stupid people, have to be so hot! it's so not fair. make me feel all shitty inside.. ohh and i hate that my eyesight is so poor until i need to wear specs. all the time to see. and thanks to this i hate it when people ask "omg, can you see without your specs? don't fall" helloo, i'm not blind you know! i can see just not as clear as you can. uugh.  uuh and i hate that i have pimples all over my face! overall i just kinda sometimes hate the way i look. 

3. i hate that i can't really make my own decisions. fickle minded in other words. i always depend on other peoples opinions more then mine and i don't know why. it can be very annoying sometimes because in the end of the day i'm the one who's gonna have to go through it and i just hate feeling regretful. 

3 things i like about myself:
3?! that''s a lot.. right now i can only think of one!

1. i like that i care about what people think about me so it makes me wanna be nice to them and in the end they really do think i'm nice so thats good. 

2. i like my hair. well actually i hate it that it's thin and gets oily real quick but at least it's straight and sometimes shiny :) i have people telling me i have nice hair so yea, it's nice to hear cuz that's all i ever get from them. 

3. right now i really don't know what else i like about myself but i guess my body shape. i mean it's not so hot or whatever but it's okay. you know, kinda slender. but i hate my legs. horrible things they are! ( i so agree with you laura, mine's also hairy!) ooh and i absolutely love the fact that i actually eat quite a lot but just don't gain any weight. it's nice. i mean i want to gain weight but it's just not working. i don't want to be skinny. 

so there you go. it took a longer time for me to list down the things i like about myself compared to what i don't like but no surprise there. everyone does. right? well, i should really go do my homework. i have tons of them. 

watching you's the only drug i need...

yes i admit i'm lifeless

ok so we had a debate competition on friday and i took part which i now realise was a very bad idea. me and my itchy hands, i just had to volunteer myself. hhmph :/ so yeaa, it was me, laura and subashini and were the the opposition to one of the most stupidest motion ever which was "the pen is mightier than the sword." i embarrassed myself. real bad. why? simply because  I SUCKED. i had no idea what i was even saying. it was all crap crap crap cause i was the third speaker and i had to rebut all the of the government speaker but my whole problem was i had nothing! shtupid motion! my conclusion: unless i want my team to loose in a debate, never ever take part in one again. 

i just realised that i spend more time trying to think of what to say here then actually saying it. man i know how to waste time. it's funny how when i don't have a blog i keep getting all this awesome ideas on what i should post about but when i actually have it, i have nothing! i literally stare at my monitor thinking if there's anything interesting to ramble about for quite awhile. ok so now you're gonna think i'm preeety lifeless, well go right ahead cuz i think i am. might as well acknowledge it. 

my reason for this, well it's kinda not that necesary but wth.. 

i think it's really not fair how nice guys are ugly, hot guys are jerks and hot and nice guys are almost always gay. soo not fair!

watching you's the only drug i need...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

i hate school already!

okay, i know it's been awhile since i came to this place but i just had nothing and even if i did have something to say i seriously didnt have the time. form four is so freakin stressfull! and it has only been the second week of school. ok whatever i'm gonna try remembering all the things that happened while i was not here so here goes...

went to port dickson with my mom's side and i totally had a blast. the place we lived in was good. clean and big. we had games and stuff so it was all good. umm what else, oohhh my dog died :( on new year's day some more! it was just the saddest thing ever. i mean what a way to welcome the new year! but i guess it's for the best cause he was really sick and lost a lot of weight so at least he dosn't have to suffer anymore. yeaa so now i'm "dog-less" feels weird cause i'm so used to hearing my dog's loud and sometimes annoying bark. lol, haihh.

and then we have school. i was kinda excited to go back there because i get to see my friends and all but the not so nice part was the fact that i need to wake up really early, like five o'clock in the morning early! and of course there's homework and the need to study. whoever said form four was the honeymoon year are so totally wrong! it has only been the second week and i already hate it. i feel like i have got no time to waste time. haha my whole day is filled with school to tuition and then trying to finish my homework. it's so stressful. oh i'm in 4K this year and well, it's ookay but not as awesome as how us 3K people were.

right now, this is how i feel about school -.-'

yes i still feel horrible. isn't time suppose to make things better?!

watching you's the only drug i need...