Thursday, September 23, 2010

mugging so helps!

before i say anything else lemmie me just say... 11 more days till pmr! but seriously all i care right now is there's only 18 more days till it's over. way to look at the bright side huh? it actually helps cos it makes you feel a lil better and less pressured.

anyways, i got tickets for Arthur's Day which is tommorow. yay me! well yay my dad actually cos he;s the one who got it but yeah. it's just at the suckiest time cos pmr's in a week but what the hell. right? mizz nina, colby o'donis, sean kingston and flo-rida are gonna be there. i went last year and the black eyed peas performed and it was one helluva night so i'm just guessing this year is gonna be as awesome as ever. now the only problem, i have no idea what to wear! life is just filled with problems when you're a girl! the dress code is black party chic and you may think it's not that bad cos well, who dosn't have black right? well apparently i don't. not anything suitable for this anyway and shopping is definately out unless i wanna hear a lecture from my dad that i have too many clothes already and shopping is just not necessary. obviously it's not necessary cos shopping = money and he'll have to send me which to him is probably something leceh. man i wish i could drive. hope i'll find something to wear in time.

bathing... seems like such a lazy thing to do right now. i just don't wanna get up from where i am. got tuition later summore. haizzz. why can't we humans just do eveything in one place. oh wait a minute, then things will just get disgusting. you know with the shitting and all. lol okay scratch that thought then. i've been doing maths almost the whole day and my brain feels so unfunctionable which is bad cos need to study sejarah. yea sejarah! my dad keeps telling me to quit mugging but i just can't help it. i feel like there's still so much i don't know. and besides i think mugging kinda helps especially this time round. okay well i seriously need to go bathe before my mum starts babbling. haha i hope my parents never accidently happen to find out that i have a blog and decide to read it cos i'll be in deep shit if they do!

watching you is the only drug i need

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

if only the past could be undone...

should i?? i mean you'd probably never do it for me so why bother. right? i can't believe i'm even having this thought. i should be mad, outraged, feeling dispicable and hatred but all i feel is what if things were different? what if none of this ever happened then i wouldn't give a rats shit bout any of this nonsense. you know what, no. i'm not gonna do it since i probably didn't mean anything to you anyway. yeah. oh wow, it just hit me! i'm nothing to you aren't i? duuhh! you don't deserve to even be in my thoughts so just get out already! huh, easier said than done..

watching you is the only drug i need...

i'm a slacker!

holidays.. great for wasting time and even if you are determined as ever that you're not gonna, you eventually end up doing something really stupid and there you go, a total waste of time. i seriously gotta get my head in the game and focus on doing my final revisions (yea right final more like just revisions) for pmr but i just can't! there's just too many distractions and i dunno, it's just me lah! i'm sucha slacker and i really shouldn't be as there is only umm 20 freaking days left!! (omg i'm panicking. okay deep breaths..) 7A's just seems so so so impossible right now. uugh curse you stupid pmr!
okay, lets just not talk bout that anymore. ermm holidays, well like i said before it's great for wasting time which is exactly what i did the first week. lets see i had prayers at home which meant i was kinda busy preparing for it (excuses..) then there was raya. went to athirah's place and the food was just wow. delicious! especially the rendang and the chicken sambal and the lemang with lemak and the cookies!! oh wait a minute i just named all the food there. haha shows that everything was just mouth watering and you can just keep on eating and eating and eating..... i have pictures but i'm kinda lazy to upload cos it'll probably take a really long time to upload everything so some other time lah.
looks like this is all i have for now and besides gotta go hit the books. well try to anyway.

can we pretend that airplanes in the night skies are like shooting stars,
i could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now....

watching you is the only drug i need...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

say whatcha wanna say

somtimes i feel so helpless and stupid. i shouldn't be fretting over something that's not worth it but i dunno, i just can't help it. call me stupid, idiotic, lifeless, desperate or whatever you want but like i said,  i'm just effing helpless right now and i seriously do not give a damn bout what you think 'cos you know nothing. just when i thought i'm gonna be okay there's always something or someone reminding me about it. wow i feel like screaming!

watching you is the only drug i need...

Monday, September 6, 2010

there goes my sleep!

doubt - to be undecided, to fear, to be apprehensive

i hate this feeling. you spend hours thinking of what's right and what's wrong and even after you've made your decision, you're still capable of changing your mind which is just so annoying. and for every wrong thing you do you have to face he consequences even if you didn't mean to do it. that's just so not fair! sometimes people make mistakes by the decision they make and sometimes it's just not their fault because they freaking don't know what to do and sometimes there's just freaking no one to help them on what they should do. stupid doubts. it just has to come in and ruin everything. okay maybe sometimes by having doubts you actually change your mind and make good decisions but for now in this case, i hate it. uurrgh, there's goes my sleep!

watching you is the only drug i need...